Judy Levy’s Testimony

EAR ITCH MD Customer

“Ear itch is not fun. Especially when you have hearing devices. I used to use peroxide because I didn’t know what else to use. I didn’t think there was anything else out there. But now, I keep my Ear Itch MD Nighttime in my nightstand, and my Ear Itch MD is in my purse available for me anytime. I have a bottle in the kitchen in case I’m in there and it starts bothering me. I’d recommend Ear Itch MD and Ear Itch MD Nighttime if they’re having problems like I’m having. They’re wonderful. It works and it’s good.”

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Braden Baker

EAR ITCH MD Customer

“I would definitely recommend Earwax MD. I use hearing aids, and every day I have what I call earwax explosions. In class, I have to get up and wipe out my ear. I remember the first time I used Earwax MD, the explosions didn’t happen for a week. I think it’s really important for people to keep their ears clean, especially when they have a hearing device in.”


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Robin Carson, AuD

“I would say three out of ten patients would need to remove wax from their ears before we can get a good hearing test, and certainly before we can have them hear better with the use of devices. Earwax MD would be something we can use confidently for at-home patient use and also in the office.”

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Douglas Fullington, MD

“Greater than 85% of all ears had total clearing of cerumen after 1 or 2 treatments.”

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Steve Martin, MD

Ear Pain MD can reduce pain quicker. The absorption is faster. Like a topical agent, a lot of times it’s just minutes to reduce some of that discomfort. Ear Pain MD can have, I think, a substantial impact on pain relief.”

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